Transform free time this winter into degree credits! In a few weeks, you can achieve your goals in the intensive, fast-paced Winter Session at Rutgers University—New Brunswick. Choose from over 125 online courses in a wide range of fields.

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Why Rutgers Winter Session?

Intensive Format

The immersive, fast-paced, Winter Session is ideal for learning subjects that need practice or rehearsal. Courses in foreign languages and public speaking especially benefit from this format. 

Single Focus

Because students take only one course in winter, instructors can offer field trips, field research, and travel study. Taking one course will also allow you to master difficult material by focusing your energies on a single subject.

Small Class Size

Small classes that meet during a short term allow you to build relationships with your classmates and professor. Students and instructors report that the quality of interactions as one of the best parts of their winter term experience.

Academic Excellence

Our Winter Session courses meet or exceed the high academic standards set for the regular academic year at Rutgers.